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The GOP and Israel’s Right-wing Present: The Golden Age of Bigotry - Opinion - Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News Source

The GOP and Israel’s Right-wing Present: The Golden Age of Bigotry - Opinion - Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News Source
by Asher Schechter
It’s been getting fashionable to complain about the supposedly overwhelming power of political correctness. “PC tyranny”, moan the self-appointed protectors of free speech, has become ubiquitous. It has taken over college campuses, it permeates Western societies, it forces public figures and even ordinary people to censor themselves. These arguments may be followed by mock-whiny portrayals of stereotypical lily-livered liberals using terms like “hate speech” and “trigger words.”
It turns out, however, that the PC “thought police” isn't as powerful as some think. Otherwise it’s hard to explain the positively bacchanalian global celebration of bigotry we have seen in recent weeks, so blatantly racist that it could make even noted bigot Woodrow Wilson - the latest mark of PC “bullies” - feel sick.
A brief recap for people living under rocks:
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.688456?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Facebook

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