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Investigative Report on the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012 | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Investigative Report on the Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi, Libya, September 11-12, 2012 | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
After two years of hysterical hype on the right about the assault on the American Mission and CIA facility in Benghazi, Libya, the House Committee has issued its final word:
"This report, and the nearly two years of intensive investigation it reflects, is meant to serve as the definitive House statement on the Intelligence community's activities before, during, and after the tragic events that caused the deaths of four brave Americans."
Their finding?  Absolutely no wrongdoing, no cover-up, no inadequate security, just a surprise attack that overwhelmed what appeared to have been adequate security measures. 

I suppose we'll wait a long while for an apology from Fox News. - gwc

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